Course features

The Wins Course

go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress
Write your awesome label here.

Before we get into the details- Are you a good fit?

You're right for Your Most Productive 90 Days if you're ready to start making progress on the goals you set and make sure you feel like you're making progress along the way. 

Your Most Productive 90 Days is right for you if you want step into feeling happy and accomplished - you want to go to bed each night feeling like you did 'enough' of the right things... and you know you'll do the same again tomorrow. 

No matter what you accomplish, you never feel satisfied and successful

Your list of accomplishments is long and impressive- but you still don't feel like enough. 

You struggle to set goals or make progress on the ones you set

You don't know what goals to set or you set them and never really move forward- mostly you're tired of feeling stuck and behind

You've been working on one area of your life for year

You wonder what's wrong with you and when you'll finally get it together

And the methods you have been using- beating yourself up, using lots of willpower, setting bigger and bigger goals to feel that sense of accomplishment- THEY'RE NOT WORKING
- and you're ready to try a new approach.

Why you're here:

Listen, feeling successful and making progress on your goals start with what's happening in your brain. 

Right now, you're chasing the wrong thing. 

You were taught (so was I) that feeling accomplished comes from accomplishing thing. 

From reaching the goal. 

But what if I told you that was wrong. 

Feeling successful start with how you think

Which is amazing news.  

Because not only will progress towards your goals become inevitable but you'll start feeling like enough along the way. 

You don't have to feel behind. 

You don't have to do it all to finally feel like enough. 

Your Most Productive 90-days is a new approach to working with your brain. And you only need 5-15 minutes a day.

Think about what this means for you- instead of spending an hour each night decompressing with a glass of win or 45 minutes going over your failures from the day before you go to sleep....

You could end the day knowing what you accomplished, knowing the progress you made

And really feeling proud, successful, like you're enough. 

It's not about doing more or picking the 'right' goal

It's about helping your brain see what you're already doing and intentionally choosing your wins. 

And this is exactly what I can help you learn to do.

Let's design your days intentionally. 

So that your progress happens intentionally. 

You are meant to feel joy in your life. You are meant to enjoy this life. 

Try this approach for 90 days and watch your life transform in the most amazing ways.

meet the instructor:

Cecelia Mandryk

I'm a coach, teacher, writer, and fellow human and I help brilliant, hardworking humans like you slow down, get present, and finally stop chasing the “hologram carrot” of achievement … so they create a more peaceful life while honoring their gifts, drive, and abilities at the same time. 

My work has helped thousands of people all over the world… and I’d love to help you next. Leverage my education, experience, and expertise, and let’s change the anxious, always-busy tape that’s playing inside your head forever .