calm(er) brain club

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using a brain-based approach to feel calmer day to day
and create a life that feels (and is) amazing
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6x monthly coaching + 3x monthly somatic sessions = a calmer you
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save when you commit to a year of growth

what you get each month

Listen, your brain has been conditioned to function a certain way and whatever that way is for you, it's causing how you feel and what you do each day. 

In the Calmer Brain Club, you get 12 sessions each month to learn, work with your brain, and reprogram your nervous system so that you can think, feel, and act differently. 

The real value is that you'll spend less effort to feel better, changes will actually last, AND you'll get the support of an amazing group of people doing this work. 

All monthly sessions are virtual and led by Cecelia. 

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monthly session breakdown

  • Weekly mindset and mindfulness based lessons with live Q&A: Mondays* at 10am EDT
  • 6 live group coaching sessions : Tuesdays* at 9am EDT and Fridays at 9am EDY
  • Weekly somatic sessions: Mondays* at 8am EDT
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*please note there are no sessions or calls during the last week of the month.
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is calm(er) brain club for me?

you want to feel less stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed day to day

and have a sense of ease no matter what is on your to do list

life doesn't feel as good as it looks

or look and feel like you thought it might by this point and you're tired of thinking success is just around the corner

you'd love to ditch the imposter syndrome

and start to feel proud of yourself and have a sense of your worthiness at the end of the day

what you're doing isn't quite working 

maybe it's been 75 hard or using willpower, maybe it's been therapy, whatever it is, you know that if you had a method that worked for you, you can do it. 

how can this help me feel calm(er)?

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our members love us

This couldn't have come at a better time for me. And already, have the first session, I feel better, I can see how my thoughts are contributing to what I'm doing and I see a path forward. Thank you. 

Cecelia is a master at creating safe spaces- I feel so comfortable opening up- there's no judgement. Just being in the space is healing. 

I wasn't sure that I would like being in a group but really it's like individual support in a group setting- and so often I get what I need each week from what others have gotten coached on. I'm so happy I joined.

Coach. | Regulate. | Accept. | Grow.  | Repeat.

Feeling calmer is closer than you think. And what that means for you is you can feel the sense of ease and accomplishment you've been chasing in life. And the real value is that it's all done without force, shame, or willpower. 
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